Let’s face it – you’re not the only one on the road. You share it with all sorts of creatures, big and small.
And some of them just love to nibble on your truck’s wiring.
That can cause all sorts of problems, from a chewed-up engine to a shorted-out electrical system.
So how do you keep these critters away? In this article, I will list down a few tips to keep rodents away from your truck.
So, let’s get in with some basics…
Why Do Mice Get Inside Your Truck?
Mice and other rodents are attracted to your truck for two reasons: shelter and food.
Your truck’s engine compartment is a warm, dry place that’s perfect for nesting. And if there’s food inside your truck, like crumbs from a snack or grease from your lunch, these critters will be more than happy to make themselves at home.
Mice can squeeze through tiny spaces – even a hole the size of a dime. So it’s important to check your truck for any gaps or holes that these critters could use to get in.
The most common entry points are:
1- The opening around your truck’s hood release lever
2- Holes where wires and cables enter the engine compartment
3- Gaps around the base of your truck’s windshield
4- The space between your truck’s body and bed liner
How To Keep Mice Away From Your Truck?
Now that you know how mice get into your truck, it’s time to take action and keep them out.
Here are a few things you can do…
1- Stop Easy Access
The best way to keep mice away from your truck is to eliminate their access. Here are a few tips:
- Use steel wool or copper mesh to block gaps and holes. This will create a physical barrier that mice can’t chew through.
- Use sealant or caulk to fill in any cracks or gaps around your truck’s body.
- Keep your truck clean and free of food crumbs. Vacuum regularly and store food in airtight containers.
- If you park your truck in a garage or shed, keep it clean and clutter-free. Mice will nest in any piles of paper or wood they can find.
2- Clean the Area
Mice, rats, and other rodents can wreak havoc on your truck. They can gnaw on wires, get into food, and generally make a mess.
Especially if they find that your vehicle is untidy and is a place for them to find some food, they can get in fast.
There are a few things you can do to prevent rodents from getting into your truck:
- Keep your truck clean and free of food scraps.
- Store food in airtight containers. Use rodent-proof storage containers for any food that you are keeping in your truck.
- Keep garbage and recycling bins away from your truck.
3- Use Mouse Traps
If mice have already gotten into your truck, you can try using mouse traps to catch them.
You can either buy mouse traps at the store or make your own with a few simple materials.
Here’s how to make a homemade mouse trap:
- Get a small plastic container, like a yogurt cup.
- Cut a hole in the top of the container big enough for a mouse to fit through.
- Place some bait, like peanut butter or cheese, inside the container.
- Place the mousetrap near areas where you’ve seen mice or mouse droppings.
- Check the trap regularly and dispose of any caught mice.
4- Use A Rodent Repellent Spray
You can also use a rodent repellent to keep mice away from your truck.
There are a few different types of repellents, but the most effective one contains naphthalene.
You can find this type of repellent at your local hardware store.
To use a rodent repellent:
- Spray the repellent around areas where you’ve seen mice, like in the engine compartment or inside your truck’s cab.
- Reapply the repellent as needed.
5- Use A Rodent Deterrent
Another way to keep rodents away from your truck is to use a rodent deterrent.
There are a few different types of deterrents, but the most effective ones use ultrasonic sound waves or vibrations to scare mice away.
You can find these types of deterrents at your local hardware store.
To use a rodent deterrent:
- Place the deterrent near areas where you’ve seen mice, like in the engine compartment or inside your truck’s cab.
- Turn the deterrent on and leave it running for 24 hours.
6- Use Mothballs
Mothballs are a common home remedy for keeping mice away.
The strong smell of mothballs is unpleasant for rodents and will keep them away from your truck.
Just be sure to use mothballs sparingly, as the smell can be strong for people too. To use mothballs:
- Place a few mothballs near areas where you’ve seen mice, like in the engine compartment or inside your truck’s cab.
- Replace the mothballs as needed.
7- Use Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is another home remedy that can keep mice away.
The strong scent of peppermint oil is unpleasant for rodents and will keep them away from your truck. To use peppermint oil:
- Dilute the peppermint oil with water.
- Spray the mixture around areas where you’ve seen mice, like in the engine compartment or inside your truck’s cab.
- Reapply the mixture as needed.
8- Use A Cat or Dog
Another way to keep mice away from your truck is to use a cat or a dog.
Cats and dogs are natural predators of mice and will keep them away from your truck.
Just be sure to keep your cat and dog indoors, as outdoor cats can be a nuisance to your neighbors.
9- Mice Poison
If you have a serious mouse problem, you may need to resort to using poison.
Mice poison is effective at killing mice, but it can also be dangerous to humans and pets if not used properly.
There are many commercial products available that are safe and effective when used as directed. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package carefully and keep the poison out of reach of children and pets.
You can also make your own mouse poison with a few simple ingredients.
Here’s how to make homemade mouse poison:
- Mix together equal parts flour, sugar, and baking soda.
- Add a small amount of water to make a paste.
- Place the paste in a container with a small hole.
- Place the container near areas where you’ve seen mice or mouse droppings.
- Check the container regularly and dispose of any caught mice.
10- Call A Professional as a Last Resort
If you can’t seem to get rid of the mice in your truck, you may need to call a professional.
A professional exterminator will be able to identify the problem and come up with a plan to get rid of the mice for good.
Signs That Mice and Rats Are Already in Your Trucks
You might have rodents in your truck and not even know it.
Mice and rats can be small and sneaky, so they can come and go without you ever knowing they were there.
Here are some signs that you might have mice or rats in your truck:
1- Droppings
One of the most obvious signs that you have mice or rats in your truck is droppings.
Mice and rats leave behind small, dark droppings wherever they go.
If you see small, dark droppings in your truck, it’s a good sign that you have a rodent problem.
2- Gnaw Marks
Mice and rats like to chew on things, so another sign that you have rodents in your truck is the gnaw marks.
You might find gnaw marks on food packages, wires, or even on the wood in your truck.
The display on your truck may also sometimes turn out to be faulty because of the chewing.
3- Nests
Another sign that you have mice or rats in your truck is their nests.
Mice and rats will build nests out of anything they can find, including paper, insulation, and fabric.
If you find a nest in your truck, it’s a good sign that you have a rodent problem.
4- Footprints
Another sign that you have mice or rats in your truck is footprints. Mice and rats leave behind small footprints wherever they go.
If you see small footprints in your truck, it’s a good sign that you have a rodent problem.
5- Sounds
Mice and rats are active at night, so another sign that you have rodents in your truck sounds.
You might hear scratching, chewing, or scurrying noises coming from the walls or ceiling of your truck.
If you hear these noises, it’s a good sign that you have a rodent problem.
If you see any of these signs, it’s a good idea to call a professional exterminator to get rid of the problem.
Exterminators have the knowledge and experience to get rid of mice and rats quickly and effectively.
Places Where You Can Find Mice Nests in Your Truck
Mice and rats like to build their nests in dark, secluded places.
One of the most common places to find a mouse nest in your truck is under the hood.
This is because mice and rats like to build their nests in the warm, dry engine compartment of your truck.
Other common places to find a mouse nest in your truck include:
- In the cab and bed
- In the storage areas
- Air filter boxes & dashboard compartment
- Soft, comfortable seats and mattresses
- Batteries, vents, and trunk
If you find a nest in any of these areas of your truck, it’s a good idea to call a professional exterminator to get rid of it.
What smells will drive mice away fastest?
Mice are repelled by the smell of vinegar, so try using a vinegar-based cleaner in your truck.
You can also try using essential oils such as peppermint or lemon to keep mice away.
Is damage caused by rodents covered under car insurance?
Most car insurance policies will not cover damage caused by rodents.
However, some comprehensive car insurance policies may offer limited coverage for damage caused by rodents.
It’s a good idea to check with your car insurance company to see if they offer any coverage for damage caused by rodents.
How much does it cost to have a professional exterminator get rid of rodents in my truck?
The cost of having a professional exterminator get rid of rodents in your truck will vary depending on the severity of the problem and the size of your truck.
Exterminators typically charge by the hour, so the total cost will depend on how long it takes to get rid of the problem.
On average, the cost of having a professional exterminator get rid of rodents in your truck will be between $100 and $200.
Final Thoughts
Rodents are a serious problem that can cause a lot of damage to your truck.
If you see any signs of rodents in your truck, the best way to deal with them is to prevent them from getting into your truck in the first place.
Take the action steps to keep rodents away from your truck and you’ll be able to avoid any damage or problems they may cause near the areas like behind the seats or in the glove box.